Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vegan peaches

Ornamental front yard space doesn't always have to be made up of plants that don't produce more than just good looks.  A peach tree is beautiful and look, free breakfast in August!

I have nieces who have said to me, "We don't eat vegan food" which I find hilarious.  Everyone eats vegan food, the problem is all the other food we eat that isn't.

Organic fruit for breakfast without any cream or sugar, just homegrown peaches.
Every tree has good and bad characteristics to consider when designing a landscape. Naysayers will point out that a fruit tree is messy and more work to mow around when the fruit is dropping, but I think the good things outweigh the bad things and I look forward to many years of enjoyment watching the spring blossoms peak out and now the fruit as it ripens.  In the fall it will turn a lovely color. (I don't plant apple trees anymore because a good organic farmer can do it so much better. My apple trees are always buggy which is bad for the local farmers as my problems can spread to become their problems.)

But peaches, now those seem to be something I can grow without chemical sprays and they have not had any disease or pest problems. Knock on wood.

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