Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My letter to the Olive Garden Restaurant Chain

I am so annoyed with news headlines about the Olive Garden trying different things to increase their sales.  Today the news is about experimenting with plate size.
So I decided they needed a wake-up call and wrote them a letter on the "connect" portion of their webpage. (I am known around here for writing notes to implement change.)

Here is what I wrote to them and I hope someone in charge actually reads it:

We stopped going to Olive Garden Restaurants when we stopped eating meat and dairy and oil.  Our plant based diet with no added fats is the trend moving forward and if you want to survive as a successful restaurant chain you will need to be the leader in providing vegan, low fat options on your menu.  We do this for heart health, to prevent cancer and diabetes and dementia.  If you do this, you won't have much competition for a while and people like us will finally have a place to go and eat out and socialize.  We still drink wine—a money maker for you.

If you are eating a plant based diet, and hopefully you are if you read my recipes, then please consider writing to restaurants you used to like going to.  If we all start raising awareness in the marketplace maybe we will have more choices.  We will be better off, they will get more business and the whole planet will benefit.

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