Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pantry Items

Sometimes information is worth posting twice, so this is a repeat:

Here is a list if items that you may want to have on hand in your pantry for a plant based diet, some of which may be unfamiliar if you are new to this (in no particular order, just how they came into my head for this list):

Nutritional Yeast Flakes
Flaxseed Meal
Oatmeal, Old Fashioned Quaker type or bulk
Chia Seeds
Brown Rice
Beans, all kinds canned and dry (use soy beans less often since they have the most fat)
Whole wheat flour
Oat flour
Whole wheat pastry flour
Frozen berries, frozen cherries, mango chunks, etc.
Yeast (for making your own bread and pizza crusts)
Grape-nuts Cereal
PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter
Freeze-dried fruit of all kinds from
Walnuts (keep in freezer, you will use them sparingly)
Sunflower seeds (keep in freezer, you will use them sparingly)
Vegan Worcestershire Sauce
Bragg Essential Amino's (liquid) and Bragg 24 herb spice mix (dry)
B Vitamins, Complex or at least B12
Real Maple Syrup
Date Sugar (which is just ground up dates--considered a "whole food" instead of processed sugar)
Egg replacer powder
Vegan Custard Powder
Vegan Fat-free mayo by Walden Farms
Mustard, pickles, ketchup, hot sauce
TVP Textured Vegetable Protein (use once in a while)
Vital Wheat Gluten
Keep a steady supply of Kale, spinach and other dark leafy greens in the fridge, use them every day
Fresh vegetables for salads and stir-frys, and well just about everything
Cocoa powder (use instead of chocolate in recipes)
Canned pumpkin puree to replace fat in baked goods
Whole grain pastas, all sorts
Non-dairy milk such as rice milk or almond milk (fat free soy is best if you can stand it)
Soy Curls (made by the Butler family in Oregon)
Apples, fresh and crunchy plus applesauce to replace fat in baked goods recipes
Bananas, oranges, other fruit you like
Extracts and spices you like, make sure they aren't older than 18 months
Garlic, fresh and powdered
Non-fat broths, mushroom and vegetable
Bouillon, vegan type but flavored to taste like chicken or beef
Canned tomatoes, diced, pureed, sauce, look for low sodium versions
Enchilada sauce (or use the recipe published by The Happy Herbivore, Lindsay Nixon--it's good)
Smoked Paprika
Mori-Nu Soft and Firm Tofu
Extra Firm tofu from the refrigerated section of the market
Miso Paste
Vegan Oyster sauce (made from mushrooms)
Liquid Smoke
Tortillas--look for the very lowest fat content! We keep corn tortillas and whole wheat tortillas on hand.  (I like the spinach wrap tortillas even though they are not fat-free because they are so large and convenient and still healthier than eating out).
Panini Press--we use ours every day for grilling vegetables, warming tortillas, grilling tofu, etc.
Ice Cream Alternative--Dr. Greger's recipe on is one we make often.  It uses frozen cherries, cocoa powder, vanilla and date sugar among other things.  It's really good!


  1. Do you purchase items online or a local store?

    1. Both. I haven't found some items locally such as the PB2 powder and the freeze dried fruit, vegan marshmallows or the great Miracle mayo. I go to the local health food store for soy curls, bulk oats, and beef flavored soy bits. Amazon, Netrition and Honeyville farms are regular mail order sources for us. When visiting Seattle or PORTLAND I like to stop at Whole foods market and stock up on great food too.
