Monday, January 30, 2012

After 15 months on the plant-based, no added fat diet my blood results are in!

Well, using these recipes along with a few from others like myself, i am pleased to announce my HDL is 54, my LDL is 59, My total cholesterol is 132! I was afraid eating desserts during the holidays would make my triglycerides high but they are 95.
I didn't want to give up my vices that I was feeling guilty about--occasionaly eating out at Subway or PF Changs, thai food, Baked Lay's and Coke Zero. I haven't had a cold or flu since we started this either!


  1. Congratulations, Cindy! Those numbers are awesome! Good for you!!!

    1. Update:
      Since I posted this 6 months ago I have been able to give up Coke Zero almost entirely. I had one last month after a hard day of yard work--it just sounded good.
      I try not to buy Baked Lay's Chips too often but I still have them occasionally. Once that bag is open, watch out!
      I don't use white sugar or brown sugar anymore in my cookie recipes, just ground dates (date sugar) so I am making a little progress toward healthier foods. The occasional red licorice or milk chocolate morsel still crosses my lips but not often.

  2. I should also mention that I was sick in February with a cold after hanging out in a hospital for a week with my sick dad, the funeral and a family reunion of sorts with people from all over. That's it as for as illness on this plant-based diet so far.
